Today's sudden market decline may put many investors in trouble. Here, I provide two ways to get out of the trap for those investment partners who have been trapped:

The first method: operate according to the position:

1. If you are trapped to a lesser extent, you can consider taking advantage of the market rebound to gradually get out of the trap or appropriately reduce your position when the price rebounds.

2. If your losses are deep, you can consider building a partial position when the market rebounds, or reduce costs by covering your position, so as to gain a psychological advantage before the market recovers.

3. If you have limited funds and the currency you hold is still in a downward trend, you can choose to cut your losses and then consider investing in high-quality currencies that you think have good prospects to recover your losses as soon as possible.

The second method: operate according to the trend status of the purchased currency:

1. If the currency you bought is in an obvious downward trend, once the trend is confirmed, it is recommended to set a stop loss immediately to avoid being trapped deeper due to hesitation.

2. If the currency you bought is in a balanced shock stage, you can wait patiently and do not need to stop loss immediately. When the market enters the high point of the oscillation cycle, consider exiting the market at the right time.

3. If the currency you bought is on an upward trend, you can consider holding it for a while, and don’t rush to stop loss, because it is possible to get out of the trap and realize a larger profit.

These strategies hope to help you make wise decisions in a complex market environment and avoid further losses.

The article has a delay. If you don’t understand the market and need real-time explanations to learn technical techniques and experience, please read my introduction to the industry

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