The core rules for safe entry and exit of USDT in the currency circle

We should not only pursue the appreciation of wealth, but also be vigilant against undercurrents. There are several iron laws about USDT transactions, which must be kept in mind to avoid stepping into traps and regret.

1. Do not be greedy for small profits, and compliant withdrawal is the right way

While pursuing profits, do not be fooled by those seemingly tempting "quick withdrawals". Remember, there is no free lunch in the world, and greed for small gains often leads to big losses.

2. Fund verification is indispensable, and trust must be built on verification

Trust in the currency circle is fragile, and only strict fund verification can ensure safety. Do not trust any unverified promises of currency traders.

3. Look at risks rationally, there is no absolute safety in the currency circle

There is no absolute safety in both traditional finance and the currency circle. Those remarks that promote "risk-free arbitrage" are often the prelude to traps.

4. Be wary of fleet funds and stay away from the black and gray industrial chain

The so-called "fleet funds" are often synonymous with the black and gray industrial chain. They convert illegal income into seemingly legal currency through complex money laundering methods.

5. Choose reputable merchants to reduce transaction risks

For large-scale USDT transactions, we should be more cautious and give priority to those merchants with good reputation and rich trading experience. Although the prices they offer may not be as attractive as the market average, their transaction processes are more standardized, transparent and safe.

6. Be wary of the risks of niche platforms and choose mainstream exchanges

Among many trading platforms, mainstream exchanges such as OK and Binance are highly trusted for their strict supervision and strong risk control capabilities. In contrast, some niche platforms may have greater risks.

Early evangelists in the currency circle, personal introductions have formed a research team for several years to provide: spot, currency ideas, rolling strategies, and 100-fold currency selection.

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