⚡️$BTC ⚡️

⚠️BTC plunge warning? ⚠️

Don’t be too anxious!

History is not a simple copy.

Back then, the 319 crash shocked the cryptocurrency circle, and fear made everyone miss out.

Looking back at the 94 incident in 2017, the policy hit ICO hard, the cryptocurrency circle trembled, the project ran away, the exchange was reshuffled, and people were panicked.

But in 2020, BTC changed its fate and broke through the 20,000 US dollar mark.

⚠️ Now, on the eve of 2024, the shadow of 312 strikes again, but the market is celebrating in advance, and BTC has reached a new high of 70,000.

History does not repeat itself, and rivers do not flow back.

Policies are becoming more tolerant, and the market is more confusing.

General and rapid increases have become a thing of the past.

From 2023, the market is like a mystery, the rise and fall are unpredictable, and the true and false bull market is difficult to distinguish.

Why do people "can't forget" 319?

Investment should look forward, history is a mirror of the script.

The main force makes money by relying on this uncertainty, what do you think❓

Remember, investment is a bet on the future, don't be bound by the past!


