🔥Sun Ge's ups and downs and our choices🔥

🔥Sun Ge's dark moments 🔥

Sun Yuchen, who was once so glorious, has seen his wallet assets fade away like the tide. The 1.4 billion US dollars that were still the most powerful a few months ago have now shrunk to 1 billion US dollars. The 400 million dollars that evaporated quietly have turned into a heavy sigh of nearly 3 billion RMB, and every cent carries the blood and tears of countless leeks.

🤔Sun Ge's persistence 🤔

However, in this treacherous cryptocurrency circle, Sun Ge did not choose to retreat. He continued to swing his sword and keep buying, as if to say: "In the wind and rain, what is this little pain?" In the cryptocurrency circle, how many people can be as smart as Sun Ge?

🤔The choice between being trapped and missing out 🤔

Faced with the ruthlessness of the market, should we choose the helplessness of being trapped or the regret of missing out? Sun Ge gave the answer with his actions - being trapped is also a kind of persistence, a kind of persistence in belief.

👀 What is our choice? 👀

In Sun Ge's shadow, do we see our own shadow? Should we follow his footsteps or walk out a path of our own? Being trapped or stepping into the air, which one makes you more willing?

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