Yesterday, the persimmon market experienced a thrilling fluctuation, falling straight from a high of 63,800 to a low of 57,800. The 6,000-point drop undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to those students who bought the bottom!

As far as the current Bitcoin market is concerned, it has entered the collapse stage. Where is the pattern to follow? After the high, the short trend has dominated, and everything seems to be falling rapidly. If you choose to buy the bottom at this moment, it is tantamount to licking blood on the edge of a knife. Buying the bottom is equivalent to robbing the house!

Do you know what is after the waterfall? That's right, it is shock. I expect that the shock adjustment will continue for a few days at a low level. In the next few days, we will operate high and low in the range.

Bitcoin Ethereum Pressure: 60300, 62300, 3295, 3390

Bitcoin Ethereum Support: 56500, 54500, 3095, 3000

If the strong support of "54500" is broken in the future, the market will fall sharply and hit the 4-digit cakes. In other words, if it does not fall below this position "54500", it is the right time to buy the bottom! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #BTC15万 #ETH收益