As an emerging technology, blockchain not only brings reforms in finance, information security, entertainment and other fields, but also brings new forms of expression to art. Long before the advent of NFT, AI art, and generative art, there was a group of pioneers in Taiwan who paved the way for digital art, using innovative digital media to create Taiwan's digital technology art creation ecosystem.

Coinciding with its third anniversary, Taiwan’s blockchain art platform akaSwap, together with the Taiwan Society of Science and Technology and Art and Ersan Design, curated “Digital Leap: 2024 Special Exhibition of On-chain Art”, inviting 12 representative technology artists from Taiwan to use blockchain and digital technology to The certificate serves as a carrier to outline the landscape of digital technology art in Taiwan. "Digital Leap: 2024 On-chain Art Special Exhibition" will be held at the VA Hub virtual art cross-border experimental base from 7/12 to 7/15. The following is a sneak peek of the three themed exhibition areas of this exhibition.

Theme Exhibition Area 1: Collection Master

"Digital Leap: 2024 On-chain Art Special Exhibition" invites 12 Taiwanese technology artists including Wang Furui, Jiang Zhenwei, He Li Interactive, Lin Jingyao, Lin Haoqiang, Qiu Zhiyong, Hou Junhao, Tao Yalun, Zeng Yujuan, Huang Wenhao, Huang Zhijie, Wei Dele, etc., to present their important works It is cast into a digital certificate on the NFT chain and displayed in the form of XR in an integrated virtual and real manner, providing the audience with an immersive viewing experience that is different from the past. The exhibited works are in a variety of media, showing the rich creative energy of Taiwan's digital technology art.

This area also exhibits the "Taiwan Science and Technology Database NFT Exhibition: 2006-Present" by the Taiwan Society of Science and Technology and Art, using NFT as a sustainable archive to present the creative context of Taiwan's science and technology art.

Theme Exhibition Area 2: Community Connection

akaSwap is Asia's first Tezos open blockchain art platform. It has been online since July 2021 and is committed to connecting the international Web3 art community. In the past three years, the platform has accumulated more than 25,000 on-chain works and more than 40 virtual and real integration activities, witnessing the burst of creativity and inspiration of countless creators, units and institutions. In addition, akaSwap not only open sourced shared smart contracts, but also successfully developed the on-chain marketing tool "akaDrop". From digital commemorative stamp collections to commercial applications to on-chain footprint identification, simple steps can quickly shorten the distance between Web2 and Web3.

[Community Connection] The exhibition area reviews the works and activities of akaSwap since its establishment, and integrates 7 major display themes - "akaSwap Platform Highlights", "Tez Dozen", "akaDrop", "Musician x akaSwap", "Art Exhibition" x akaSwap", "Cross-border x akaSwap", "Public welfare x akaSwap", multiple selected works under each theme are displayed in the self-developed cross-device virtual exhibition room akaVerse, looking back on the amazing creative energy and multiple concerns of akaSwap in the three years since its establishment. Oriented.

Theme Exhibition Area 3: Digital Rebirth

Since its establishment, akaSwap has long been co-organizing the "Ruoshui NFT Art Award" with the Cultural Content Policy Institute and the Taiwan Society of Science and Technology to encourage the new generation of creators to create NFT art. The theme of this year's third edition is "Flow and Gathering", hoping to let creativity flow like water on the blockchain.

This area displays the award-winning works of the "3rd Ruoshui NFT Art Award" and an award ceremony will be held on 7/12 (Friday). We look forward to the various possibilities of blockchain art in the future.

akaSwap third anniversary community event

To celebrate the third anniversary of the platform, akaSwap will conduct a reward event for full consumption throughout July (7/1~7/31). Use the credit card function on the akaSwap platform to spend 50 Tezos or more, and you will get 1% Tezos back.

Not only that, there will be 5 types of POA attendance certificates available for collection at the exhibition. In addition to full rewards, those who collect 3 types of POA will be eligible for a lottery. The prizes include 300 Tezos artworks, Leger cold wallets, Tezos official T-shirts, etc. Please pay close attention to akaSwap community news for details.

"Digital Leap: 2024 Special Exhibition of Art on the Chain" will present the audience with an artistic journey across time and space, not only showing the development and changes of digital art, but also exploring the unlimited potential of blockchain technology in artistic creation. We sincerely invite people from all walks of life to participate in this grand event and witness the bright future of digital art.

Introduction to the organizer

akaSwap was established in July 2021 and established Asia's first open blockchain art trading platform on the Tezos chain, bringing together artistic works and high-quality projects from artists around the world. Not only that, akaSwap is also committed to building a complete ecosystem, developing and providing many original tools to help users easily explore the charm of the Web3 world.

The Taiwan Science, Technology and Art Society was formally established in September 2013. It is committed to promoting the exchange of science and art, enhancing the research and creation of science and technology, and providing services related to the academic development and professional knowledge of science and technology to the public.

Ersan Design was established in 2010. It focuses on developing sensory experiences that allow audiences to participate, and implements interactive design concepts in marketing projects, museum displays, educational explanations, content promotion, etc. The goal is to combine creativity, technology and visual new media to propose a complete plan that is innovative and consistent with user experience.

"Digital Leap: 2024 Special Exhibition of Art on the Chain"

. Date and time: 7/12 (Friday)─ 7/15 (Monday) 10:00-19:00

. Location: VA Hub

Entrance 1 (recommended): B1, No. 30, Lane 68, Section 2, Xinsheng North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (go down the stairs, turn left and go straight to the exhibition venue)

Entrance 2: B1, No. 20, Lane 353, Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Go to the end of the alley next to "Yin Guo Taipei Linsen North Road Store" and enter the first underground floor. After going downstairs, turn right three times and you will arrive at the exhibition venue)

. Admission is free. For more information, please visit akaSwap’s major communities

. Exhibition event link:

This article "Digital Leap: 2024 Special Exhibition of Art on the Chain" uses blockchain to write the history of Taiwan's science and technology art. It first appeared on Chain News ABMedia.