❗Is the big crash coming?

Come on, look back at the past, I was me, you were you

You cut your own flesh, only you know the cold and warmth.

It has been more than 4 years since the big crash on March 12, 2020. Today, I recall the exclusive memory of the currency circle:

Whether it is a newcomer or an old leek, they are all familiar with the 312 big crash. Because of the uncertainty brought by this fear, many people have missed the opportunity in the past six months

This reminds me of the market situation on September 4, 2017, when the currency circle was cut in half, also known as the 94 incident. Specifically, it refers to: On September 4, 2017, 7 ministries and commissions of the state jointly issued an announcement on the currency circle.

The purpose is to crack down on ICOs in mainland China, illegal fundraising, margin trading and other illegal financial activities. As a result, the entire currency circle experienced the first collective plunge at that time. Countless projects ran away, and exchanges were cleared. People were panicked because it was a red-headed document and was expressly prohibited. The impact of this policy is very far-reaching.

In 2020, many people were still worried about the 94 incident and feared a big correction. As a result, BTC broke through the historical high of 20,000 US dollars in September-October 2020.

Starting from December 2023, everyone was worried that there would be a 312 plunge in 2024. As a result, the market broke the historical high in March and reached 70,000 US dollars.

With this analysis, I think everyone should understand what I mean. It can be understood as a coincidence, but the essence is: no one can cross the same river twice in a row.

But now looking back, you will find that for the entire development of the currency circle, at least the policy has begun to be gradually tolerant, no longer so resolute, but the market trend has become extremely complicated. The previous rise was a general rise and fast growth;

Starting from 2022, the market has become somewhat different

Especially in the trend of 2023-2024, most people go with the flow, bullish and bearish, and never believe that the big bull market is coming

What is even more incomprehensible is why most people have such high and confident psychological expectations for the 312 crash? Investment is for the future, not the past. The past market is just a reference and cannot be completely copied. If it is so simple, how can the main force make money!


