The online cryptocurrency world (illusion version):

1. 100x coins are everywhere, and you can make money by buying them casually 2. The contract win rate is 100%, and it is not a dream to make 10x overnight 3. Investment research and analysis are correct, and any cryptocurrency circle and hot spot can be easily obtained 4. You can easily get a Maserati by playing with money 5. Everyone is financially free and lives in a big villa with high profits

The real cryptocurrency world (real version):

1. There are many 100x coins, but they are definitely not the coins you bought 2. The small contract win rate is 100%, but the contract liquidation rate of your heavy position + carrying order is 99.9999% 3. Any cryptocurrency circle and hot spot can be easily obtained, and the holding income is all negative 4. Others have made a Maserati, and you get the reverse in the end. Think about it, you might as well buy an electric car with the oil from the exchange 5. Everyone is heavily in debt, looking for someone to V50 and eat KFC every day, and still wear pants with three holes in them

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