It is said that $IO has been criticized badly recently. Before it went online, it was predicted that the price would be around $5. After it went online, the exchange once reached a high of nearly $7. Now the price has dropped to around $2.5. From a rational point of view, maybe this is an opportunity.

First: BTC and the overall market are unstable, and the market makes everyone anxious. In fact, you can consider doing zero-cost mining and use your computer to mine IO coins.

Of course, it also requires preliminary preparation.

For example, whether your computer configuration meets the mining requirements of the IO project, a high-performance graphics card is very important.

In addition, some specific auxiliary software and tools are required, which must be installed in advance.

The steps are relatively simple. Visit the IO official website, register an account, and configure according to the software's instructions, including setting the mining pool address, wallet address, and mining algorithm.

Connect the device to start the mining software and start the mining process. The income is still considerable.

Second: If the conditions are not suitable for mining, you can actually try band operation. We need to see the strength of the IO project.

As the largest GPU computing network in Web3, has become one of the most popular projects in the DePIN+AI track in this cycle in the context of global computing power shortage.

The project has a strong community, a large number of holders, community supporters, Galaxy, Discord community members, etc.

Currently, a large number of IO ecological projects are under construction, including computing power tokenization and decentralized computing power network.

The IO Foundation will launch $IO Staking, requiring GPU nodes to pledge $IO as a guarantee of GPU stability and quality, thereby further improving the quality of network hardware and enriching the use scenarios of $IO tokens.

My personal opinion is as follows: With the popularity of the AI ​​track and the coming of the future bull market, IO is positive in the long run. Band traders can consider entering the market at the bottom of the price. The rebound to 3.5U should be fast, and the future value may be a surprise. $IO
