
Artificial intelligence technology is expected to start the fourth industrial revolution with computing power as the main energy source, and the demand for computing power is expected to increase rapidly. Therefore, computing power is called the oil and electricity in the era of AI explosion! In this revolution, whoever owns computing power will have the greatest voice!

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang pointed out in his keynote speech at COMPUTEX2024: Generative AI has brought far-reaching impacts and will become a new computing platform to replace the traditional software manufacturing industry. This is a $3 trillion IT industry that is about to produce innovative results that can directly serve a $100 trillion industry. The underlying hardware support for generative AI is computing power! This indicates the potential broad market demand for AI computing power.

#IO去中心化算力网络 $IO

IO Ecosystem Opportunities

As the largest GPU computing power network in Web3, IO has become a must-have research project in the Depin+AI track in this cycle against the backdrop of global computing power shortage!

IO has developed so fast that it has grown into a giant with more than 200,000 GPUs with real computing power in just half a year. At present, the first phase of IO has been perfectly achieved. A large number of users' personal computing power has been connected to the AI ​​world and started to become a part of it.

But at the same time, after the global computing power began to be connected, I began to think about a question: can this part of computing power only be used for AI computing? Sometimes there will be idle computing power, can this part of computing power be fully utilized?

This is the biggest opportunity for the IO ecosystem. Based on computing power, we can truly utilize computing power and create application scenarios for computing power + web3. For example, computing power stablecoins (one of the paths to computing power assetization), the concept of machine gun pools, the concept of IGO (packaging computing power into fixed-time assets, users can pledge computing power to obtain the quota of the corresponding project, and the project can obtain the usage time of this part of computing power), computing power DeFi? Computing power gamification? Computing power voting? Computing power agent? Many paths and directions can provide usage scenarios and application windows for computing power!

If we compare IO to a public chain, there are so many things that can be done for computing power! And IO is also working in this direction!

IO Token

As for IO tokens, there are actually many opportunities. Whether it is the growth of the IO ecosystem or the widening gap based on computing itself, IO plays a vital role in it.

At this time, I usually like to make a comparison. As the leader in decentralized storage, Fil has a peak market value of more than 100 billion US dollars, while IO's current total circulating market value and FDV are only 250 million and 2 billion, which also means that in the foreseeable growth cycle, IO has at least 50 times of growth potential.

I personally like the Depin track.

I have said a lot, which actually represents my optimism about Depin and AI track. I have personally invested in many AI and Depin projects. As Binance listed project, io is the leading project with three major story concepts of AI + Depin + sol.

It is undeniable that IO is not the pioneer of this track, but it is indeed the epitome of this track. IO's financing information, market popularity and listing on exchanges have indirectly promoted the performance of such competing products in the secondary market and community attention. Because of IO, everyone began to really pay attention to this track and explore its potential.

At the same time, the market is full of various pseudo-Depin projects: for example, you must buy official equipment to mine, and there is a device called Depin when it is a node. In my opinion, only projects that can more efficiently allocate and utilize idle physical resources (such as computing resources, storage resources and bandwidth) through blockchain technology, effectively reduce resource waste and have landing application scenarios are real Depin projects. IO is one of the few!