At midnight yesterday, we gave a bearish idea. The entire market also showed a weak structure from early morning to morning. When the time came to the morning, after a night of operation, the price ratio also gave a wave of 3,000 points of decline in the morning. After the lowest point fell to 57,600, it ended with a bottoming out and rebound. Our short position layout had already entered the market near 60,500. I have already given a hint of this in the midnight thinking. Our short position left the market near 59,000, perfectly taking nearly 1,500 points of space. Ethereum also maintained synchronous operation and took more than 70 points of space at the same time. The fluctuation of the market is like the ups and downs of life. The road will not be straight, and there will always be ups and downs and twists and turns. What we can do is to accept new challenges with a good attitude.

From the current four-hour chart structure, the price ratio has not rebounded effectively after continuous downward exploration, and the upper pressure position is also gradually moving downward. All signs indicate that the bulls have come to an end. The continuous decline in recent days has given a lot of space. The current price ratio has entered the intraday rhythm, but this is also the stage where the bears are accumulating momentum. The longer the horizontal is, the longer the vertical will be. At present, the bearish energy column is also continuously increasing in volume, and the upward pin point is also moving down. From the hourly chart, the price ratio has been running around the lower track and has not rebounded. In the short term, it is expected to fluctuate first and then go down. So wait for the subsequent correction to end, and we are still optimistic about the bears further exploration. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走勢分析

Bitcoin around 58800-59200 short target 57000

Ethereum around 3220-3240 short target 3150