7.4 Thursday, Bitcoin, Ethereum, operation ideas in the afternoon!

The process of realizing your dreams is never easy. You have to overcome many confusions, grievances, laziness, and weakness. You have to constantly cheer yourself up and control the part of yourself that wants to shrink back.

Looking at the K-line at 1 o'clock in the market, the currency price went down all the way in the morning and reached near the 57,790 point line. Then it began to rebound, but not with much force. Now it has started to fluctuate sideways at the 59,000 point line! The currency price is also above the lower track of the Bollinger Bands and has an upward trend. The MACD lines continue to move downward. Although the short momentum has weakened slightly, it is not obvious enough! KDJ three lines are running forward, and the trend is temporarily unclear! The overall trend is still an oscillation, and those who do not hold orders can wait and see first. In the afternoon, Strontium Lu mainly focuses on doing Duo!

During the liquidation in the morning, there must be quite a few people who followed the operation, and quite a few of them chatted with me privately! I'm sorry that you lost money, but if you say it was because of me, I won't take the blame. A series worth 5,000 to 50,000 yuan will be released in the future. When u arrives, it will be updated slowly. Those who want to follow are responsible for their own profits and losses. I won’t say much more about similar things in the future!

Thursday afternoon reference strategy

Big pie, do it between 58500 and 58900, look towards 61000, defend at 57500

Ether, do Duo between 3150 and 3200, look towards 3350, defend at 3100

Let’s just say here, the Buddha is destined to meet the person, and I have the person of my heart! One in a million, are you the right person? Am I your lucky god? $BTC $ETH $BNB #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF