EIP-7732 (Enshrined Proposer-Builder Separation, EPBS for short) is a major improvement proposal for Ethereum. It will change the verification method of Ethereum blocks and perform verification and consensus through logical and time separation. Verify and improve the efficiency and security of blockchain operations.

EIP-7732 launch background: expected to improve performance and safety

EIP-7732 was proposed by Francesco D’Amato, Barnabé Monnot, Michael Neuder, Potuz, Terence Tsao, and others and created on June 28, 2024. The core of this proposal is to separate the execution verification and consensus verification of Ethereum blocks and improve the overall performance and security of the blockchain by introducing new options and responsibilities.

EIP-7732 Principle

EIP-7732 will change the verification method of Ethereum blocks by introducing the concept of "Builder" and new responsibilities (submit validity verification) to separate logic and time to increase the speed of network propagation. , reduce the possibility of block reorganization and improve node verification efficiency. (technical details)

Currently, the vast majority of Beacon block proposers outsource the execution payload construction within the block to a third party (called a constructor). They do this by requesting a committed execution payload hash root (HTR) and submitting a signed Beacon blind block (SignedBlindedBeaconBlock) to the trusted party, which replaces the HTR and broadcasts the entire block. This EIP enables trustless fair exchange between Beacon block proposers and constructors, ensuring that honest proposers can obtain the constructor's payment, and ensuring that the honest constructor's payload becomes the block header (head of the blockchain) .

specific improvements

  1. Separated verification responsibilities: Currently, validators are required to complete consensus and perform state transitions, check data availability, and evaluate new block headers within the receipt of complete Beacon blocks and the certification deadline (4 seconds on the Ethereum mainnet). By separating the execution of blocks and the verification of the consensus part, validators only need to perform consensus state transitions during the critical time, while execution and data availability verification can be delayed until most of the remaining time.

  2. Improved network propagation speed: By removing full execution payloads from consensus blocks, EIP-7732 enables the network to propagate faster on critical paths.

  3. Reduces the possibility of reorganization: The proposal also reduces the possibility of block reorganization due to the inclusion of big data transactions, and further enhances the blockchain in the event that the constructor broadcasts a copy of the big data before the Beacon block certification is released. stability.

  4. Improve verification efficiency: Prevent validators from missing verifications, improve the weight properties of fork choice, and eliminate the need to use trusted middleware to delegate block construction.

Impact of EIP-7732

EIP-7732 represents a major improvement in Ethereum’s block verification process. By realizing the separation of proposers and constructors, the proposal aims to improve network efficiency, security and stability, making Ethereum run more efficiently and fairly. This innovation will have a profound impact on the Ethereum ecosystem and further promote its technological development and application popularization.

This article EIP-7732: A new milestone in achieving the separation of proposers and constructors first appeared on Chain News ABMedia.