At the beginning of July, the market kept falling. Is the bull market over?

Pay attention to the strong support position of 56,000 below. As long as it is not broken, there is still hope to see the 70,000 big cake. Brothers, do you feel it is difficult recently?

Now the currency circle is becoming more and more abstract. Not only do we not know why it falls, but sometimes we don’t even know why it rises. There are many obscure technologies, which are actually bullshit and repeatedly reinvent the wheel.

BTC fell below 60,000 again. Can it be understood as a third test?

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The daily rebound finally chose to end at the pressure level of 63,700 US dollars on the EMA20 daily line, and failed to touch 65,000 US dollars. The current trend quickly fell back from 63,700 US dollars to near the support of 60,000 US dollars. If the closing price of 60,000 US dollars falls below, this will cause the trend to fall to 56,000 US dollars and 52,000 US dollars. It is not optimistic at present.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #BTC☀