The interpersonal relationships in the workplace are all acting. I am good to you, you are good to him, it's all for the sake of face, either for profit or for self-protection, it's all fake.

The most taboo is to make the fake play real, and take the fake as the real.

Every day, everyone smiles at each other, speaks in a roundabout way, and keeps their tempers, trying to take care of each other's emotions, in fact, it is to avoid tearing each other apart and leave a way out for themselves.

You don't know how others scold you behind your back, even your ancestors are all cursed.

The real situation is that except for the 1% of friends you can occasionally make at work, the remaining 99% are maintained by superficial warmth and favors. Most of them will never take the initiative to contact each other again after they are no longer colleagues.

So, don't think about making friends at work. You don't need to devote so much emotion to your colleagues. If he bullies you, just say it directly; if he smokes and chokes you, just say it directly; if he jokes and you don't like it, just say it directly.

This applies to both superiors and subordinates. Don't give yourself too many emotional ties. We are all here just to make a living.

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