The market often gives people the illusion of ending before the real excitement has even begun. This is like a carefully woven magic trick that makes people mistakenly believe that everything has settled, but in fact, the real carnival has not yet begun.

"A bull market, like a beautiful melody, is always most moving before the finale." This is a famous saying of Warren Buffett, which also profoundly reveals the charm of the market.

So why do we believe the best is yet to come? Here are seven reasons to find out.

First, a little background: The market always plays tricks on you, making you think it's over before the real party begins. It's all because of the "wall of worry". What is the wall of worry? In a bull market, it's like a wall of worries and doubts, and the market climbs along this wall. Every piece of pessimistic news adds bricks to the wall, and it is this difficult climb that shapes the characteristics of a bull market. People's worries have become a boost to prices.

A healthy dose of fear, uncertainty, and doubt are the healthy elements of a bull market, keeping some investors on the sidelines. Once these doubters turn into believers, they inject new vitality into the market rally. Although Bitcoin prices are close to all-time highs, doubts about consumer crypto applications, global liquidity, Ethereum ETFs, and altcoins still linger.

So how do we find opportunities in this uncertain market? The key is to stay calm. In turbulent times, panic will only narrow our vision. Only by facing risks calmly can we assess the situation and discover potential opportunities.

Now, let’s dive into these seven reasons:

The liquidity feast is about to begin. Liquidity is one of the key factors driving the market up. With the gradual relaxation of global macro policies, liquidity is expected to surge by 2025. This will provide strong support for the rise in cryptocurrency prices.

The market has not yet reached its climax. Looking back at history, the final stage of a bull market is often accompanied by a clear parabolic pattern. Although history will not simply repeat itself, we can find some patterns from it. At present, we have not observed such a climax, which may mean that the market has more room to rise.

The magic of the "banana zone". The "banana zone" refers to a period of surging asset prices, which has been observed repeatedly in past cycles. It is usually driven by the global liquidity cycle and peaks in the fall. Currently, we are in the summer stage of this cycle, which may indicate an upcoming rise.

Expected rise after halving. Bitcoin's halving event has always been the focus of market attention. Historical data shows that within 200 days after halving, the market tends to usher in a macro peak. At present, we are in the normal volatility period after halving, but there is still ample room for growth.

The mystery of the four-year cycle. The four-year cycle plays an important role in the cryptocurrency market. It can be affected by the global liquidity cycle and the election season. If the historical pattern continues, we can expect to see the market peak in October 2025.

Beware of the "foreshadow fallacy". In the cryptocurrency market, the "foreshadow" phenomenon is common. This makes it easy for people to judge that the cycle has ended prematurely, when in fact the new phase has not yet begun. We need to be wary of this fallacy so as not to miss subsequent market opportunities.

The market cools down. The most interesting and dangerous periods in the market are often accompanied by extreme enthusiasm. However, in the first half of 2024, the social risk of the market is relatively low - the market is not overheated, but unusually calm. This may provide us with a great opportunity to lay out the future market.

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