Everyone is experiencing such a market for the first time

In 21, the big wash started in mid-April and ended on July 20.

It lasted for more than three months. This wave also started in mid-April and has lasted until now, less than three months.

The same is the wash time and the increase in Bitcoin.

The difference is the copycat. The copycats before 519 generally increased more, but this wave of wash is as disgusting as 519.

So everyone is experiencing such a copycat for the first time. No matter what ETFs or interest rate cuts are, they are all lagging analysis.

Since the market has come here, many people feel that they can't do anything. In fact, it's not #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #ASI代币合并计划 #币安合约锦标赛

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