30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 91083)

This order gets 2354u

The recent market can be said to have completely given up resistance and plummeted. Are those who buy at the bottom and do more doubting their lives? No matter how the market changes, you should have your own ideas and direction.

Midnight pie rebounded 60391 light position continued to short--59606 cleared the position and got 800 points

The best things are always the last to appear. Only when you try your best can you know how good you are. #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $ETH