How to make money steadily in the cryptocurrency circle,

1. For large investors, 80% buy mainstream currencies,

20% buy high-quality projects in the primary market,

2. For small investors, directly look for potential projects in the primary market,

Only potential projects in the primary market have the opportunity to get rich,

The coin with the most 100-fold potential in the bull market in 2024,

Mining leader Oscar (OSKS),

It is known as the Bitcoin in the mining industry

Completely decentralized, clean contracts, safe funds, black holes are mined in seconds, and can be cashed at any time. Everyone is a shareholder. The initiator buys real money like retail investors, no insider trading, no marketing wallets, unique destruction mechanism, continuous deflation, so that the tokens in hand continue to appreciate,

🔥24-hour Fujin training meeting 328-610-877

🔥OSKS mechanism

A16z crypto foundation pioneered the black hole block mining project, with a total of 210 million pieces. The initial liquidity is 10 million, and 200 million black holes are produced. Each block produces minerals according to the ratio of OsksLP; the transaction tax point is 2%, of which 1% destroys Osks and 1% destroys Fists.

After 90 days, the transaction tax is automatically adjusted to 0.3% for buying and selling. All Osks are destroyed. Osks mining mechanism: add LP liquidity pool to the pancake V2 pool, add Osks above USDT below (or add Osks on the left side of USDT to the right side). OsksLP value greater than 300 automatically starts mining. Leave a coin outside,

The first phase is 90 days, the second phase is 120 days,

The third phase starts to be mined constantly (10 years to mine)

The first phase is 90 days: 200,000 coins are mined every day

The second phase is 120 days: 100,000 coins are mined every day

Starting from the third phase: 50,000 coins are mined every day

Warm reminder,

Buy, sell, transfer before withdrawing the pool, any action to confirm the rights is OK

🔥Oscar (OSKS) Contract🔥


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