[Market Research Report on July 4th - The uptrend structure of 5.8 is destroyed, and seeking a new low point as the starting point of the rebound is the expectation for the next stage. Ether continues to enter the market at two positions of the previous round of daily bullish structure]


1. $BTC

With the rebound expectation of 6.28, the reversal expectation is made in the range of 6.35-6.45, which also shows that the rebound strength of the stage is very poor. The previous day, it broke through 6.25, and the expectation of a large correction came. It is not only the key turning point of the previous round of 5.8 uptrend structure, but also the platform point of the stage market. It is inevitable to break here and seek a new low to find a new starting point.

Currently 5.8 is not enough to make a bottom, and 5.5 5.2 is expected.

Cycle view:

In the big cycle, remember the several entry positions we mentioned.

The daily line remembers the wide range of fluctuations between 5.7-7.2. As long as the idea is fixed, it will not fall and rise. It will only wait and see without participating.

1. Only above 6.62 can there be a strong trend and new highs are expected

2. 5.7 neckline support cannot be broken

3. 6.28 trend line pressure remains unchanged

Daily view:

5.92 is the intraday support [this position was discussed before going to bed last night]

First see if there is a new high point of 6.12 during the day. There is short-term stabilization. If it falls back, enter the long order and break the stop loss

2. $ETH

Ether was notified to leave at 3350 yesterday. If it did not leave, it also came back according to this average price. It is quite good and profitable. There is no independent market

Spot entered the market according to several early positions of 3000 2880 2600 2400 These

Contracts follow the big cake during the day

First use 3250 as support. The left and right sides are the same as what the big cake said

Pressure 3325 3400

3. Shanzhai

I said it during the live broadcast the day before yesterday, Shanzhai is very weak, and the big pie is coming, and Shanzhai will be miserable.

When doing Shanzhai contracts, don't always do it on the left side

Whether it stabilizes or not, it is very clear. The spot can be tolerated in batches, but the contract on the left side is very painful for Shanzhai

Imagine that if the big pie falls below the neckline of 5.7, how many points will Shanzhai have?