📣 Attention crypto-investors! The Basel Committee has made policy decisions on banks' exposure to cryptocurrencies. As part of the Basel III reforms, a disclosure framework for banks' crypto assets was proposed in December 2022. 🏦

The objective is to increase transparency and promote market discipline. The updated standards will be published later in July. The Committee's consideration of banks' exposure to cryptocurrencies dates back to 2019.

In 2021, it proposed placing cryptocurrencies in its Group 2 high-risk asset pool, with a risk weight of 1,250%, which would require banks to hold capital equal to the value of their crypto exposure.

The stablecoins were assigned to a new 1b designation that places no requirements on banks' holdings beyond those in Group 1. However, stablecoins with "ineffective stabilization mechanisms" were placed in Group 2.

What do you think of these measures? Do you think they will affect your investment in BTC? 💬 Share your thoughts in the comments.