"Hackers accessed the Authy Android application database, revealing user phone numbers. However, authentication information was not exposed. Be careful with phishing messages! 🚨 Update to the latest version to increase security.#crypto#security #Authy"

"The Authy app is commonly used for two-factor authentication (2FA) on cryptocurrency exchanges. Gemini and Crypto.com both use Authy as the default 2FA app. Update now to ensure safety !#cryptoexchange#2FA"

"Cybercriminal group ShinyHunters is believed to be behind the Authy hack, revealing 33 million phone numbers registered to Authy. Be careful of SIM swap attacks!#cybersecurity#ShinyHunters"

"Authentication apps like Authy are developed to prevent SIM swap attacks. Be careful of 2FA messages via SMS instead of via app.#SIMswap#2FA"

"Let's discuss this security issue and share experiences in preventing cyber attacks in the comments!#cryptocommunity#discussion"