The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but of surrendering; the sail of life is not afraid of strong winds and huge waves, but of not having the courage! If there is a road, go boldly; if there is a dream, fly boldly. Looking back at the overall market yesterday, it can be said that the bulls suffered a lot. The intraday decline was nearly 3,000 points. Since the morning, it has been going down all the way. The lowest point fell to 59,600 in the evening, and then bottomed out and rebounded, opening a long-short tug-of-war. However, our thinking today still maintains a complete victory. Whether it is the morning short or the short-term long, we have taken them one by one. This is obvious to all. During the day, we have laid out 2 long and 2 short orders for pie, a total of more than 2,250 points of space, 1 long and 1 short for ether, a total of 70 points of space! If you are still hesitating and miss the flight situation, then you may lose an opportunity for wealth and freedom. There is no shortage of miracles in the currency circle, but courage and boldness. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #以太坊ETF批准预期

 From the overall structure of the current market, today's continuous decline and pin-pointing have spit back the recent rise, directly piercing the lower track from the middle track, and the price ratio has also fallen very quickly. Although the bottom was reached in the evening, it also gave corresponding rebound space. However, this downward trend has disrupted the overall trend, not to mention the overall weak structure. The previous rise was spit out one by one within a day, and the trend structure obviously tended to the weak link. The decline broke down in the evening, forming a new low. The trend structure has rebounded upward after stopping at the previous low, and the short-term rebound is currently a time and space conversion for the subsequent decline. Therefore, for the subsequent layout, we can first focus on the upper suppression to arrange the short order.

Pie around 60500-60800 short target 59000

Ether around 3320-3340 short target 3230