Many people in BTC have lost a lot of money but are still shouting about the bull market. Wake up!

The Americans have hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins. If they sell them at this price, they will definitely continue to sell them when it rises to 65,000. They will have to buy them for tens of billions.

It’s the same with Germany’s 50,000 Bitcoins. Mentougou paid those, and they only sell and smash them. No one buys.

Miners have been smashing the market. They have to sell because of high expenses. ETFs and institutions such as BlackRock are also selling. The cost is low, and they run away when it falls.

Ask yourself, should you add positions at this price or wait for a lower price? Bitcoin has been falling this month. If it falls, it will be smashed in large quantities. If it buys, it will shrink in volume. There is no strong buying.

If you understand these, you will understand the future trend. I am bearish. It will continue to fluctuate and fall, waiting for key nodes or good news.

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