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Why does the transaction volume shrink during the callback of the rising coin, and it is best to shrink it to the transaction volume before the band starts, which means that it has fallen to the bottom and is about to turn and rebound? It can be understood as follows:

1. The transaction volume is an indicator of the activeness of coin trading. Usually before the pull-up starts (before the dealer enters), the daily transaction volume can be regarded as the amount of buying and selling between retail investors only, usually fluctuating around a "fixed value".

2. Suddenly one day the transaction volume is significantly enlarged, several times the "fixed value", and the coin price rises sharply. In addition to the stimulation of strong good news, it will only be the dealer who brings huge funds to the market and raises the coin price in a short time.

3. The next step is to attract retail investors to chase high prices, and the daily transaction volume is getting bigger and bigger, while the coin price is climbing.

4. Here comes the point: Suddenly one day the dealer starts to smash the market, the main purpose is to induce the retail investors who chased the high to sell their stocks (clear the floating chips). At this time, the daily transaction volume gradually changes from large to small, or from small to large, or jumps between large and small, and the price of the currency continues to fall. How to judge whether the retail investors who chased the high (floating chips) have been cleared? That is, when the transaction volume returns to the "fixed value" before the pull-up is launched, it means that the excess floating chips (retail investors who chased the high) have basically been cleared, and the dealer will absorb enough chips from retail investors to sell their stocks before continuing the next wave of pull-ups.

Therefore, to see whether the currency price will continue to fall during the callback period, it is an objective and highly operational method to compare the daily transaction volume with the transaction volume before the launch.