Why do we say that the cryptocurrency market can change the fate of many people?

If you don’t have a better investment channel, the encrypted digital market is a good investment channel. First of all, the cryptocurrency market is a strong cycle and high volatility market. The halving every four years is enough for retail investors to earn their first pot of gold. I’m not talking about playing with copycat contracts. I’ve never seen anyone making money playing with contracts and copycats. There are many who lose everything.

Pie has never disappointed anyone. Big Brother is worthy of any retail investor. It has been a bull market for 10 years. The price has reached new highs again and again. As long as you don’t touch the contract, you won’t lose money.

Do you think I am advocating for everyone to buy pie when you see this? In fact, it’s not. The encrypted market still has huge risks. It is not recommended for newcomers to enter the market (everyone knows)

There are 100-fold projects in the cryptocurrency circle every year. The 100-fold coins in the first half of 2023 alone: ​​if you catch one, you will have the opportunity to break through the class

ORDI (500 times)

kas (100 times)

eths (700 times)

ORDI, created on March 8, mint only needed about 1-3 gas fees at that time, now it has 1000U, about 500 times

pepe (1000 times)#KAS(100 times from October last year to now)

After ETH switched to POS last year, the mining machines had nowhere to go, and they were unwilling to give up at a low price. Kas took over most of the miners. Its founder, God Y, is also very powerful. If you are interested, you can check the information yourself.

In fact, you will find that most of these 100-fold projects are on small exchanges or even not on exchanges. The process of these air coins turning into value coins is the opportunity for retail investors to make money. This is the meme. If a project itself is very valuable, the first to enter the market are these investment institutions, and retail investors will never get a chance.

Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

#IO     #NOT     #BOME     #BTC      #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥