#Quick News# Golden Finance reported that despite the recent bleak trend of the crypto market, investors' enthusiasm for crypto projects has not diminished. On July 2, 2024, the financing amount of crypto projects reached 160 million US dollars. Among them, AI research organization Sentient was the most eye-catching with a financing amount of 85 million US dollars, accounting for half of the total financing amount. Investors include Founders Fund, Pantera Capital, Framework Ventures, etc. under Peter Thiel, a well-known Silicon Valley investor. Sentient is committed to creating a new Open AGI economy for AI builders and creators. By building platforms and protocols, open source AI developers can monetize their models, data and other innovations, cooperate with each other to build powerful AI, and become important stakeholders in the new Open AGI economy. According to Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon and founder of AggLayer, Sentient will be built on Polygon Agglayer.