Whether the market trend has stopped falling, even if you don't understand K-line charts and technical analysis, you can feel it. What many investors lack is confidence. Be brave to look at the market boldly. If there is no obvious stop-fall signal, then there is no stop-fall.

Now I tell you to continue to be bearish, don't chase the rise to cover the position, and leave the market in time when the price touches the support level. The market presents a descending wedge structure and continues to run inside, with support concentrated around $3088-3120.

The current strategy is to focus on this range for operation:

Observe the performance of prices in the $3088-3120 range; wait for prices to stabilize or consolidate before considering entering the market.

When using left-side leverage contracts, be careful because the contract market is risky; while the spot market can be gradually entered according to the position, and the remaining funds remain closed.

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