Bitcoin infrastructure BiHelix has announced the integration of the BiHelix network with the TokenPocket cryptocurrency wallet, making TokenPocket the first mainstream wallet to support the RGB track. 🚀

TokenPocket is a cryptocurrency wallet that facilitates the exchange of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Polygon and other cryptocurrencies. Users can now create BiHelix network addresses in the TokenPocket wallet app.

To create an RGB wallet in TokenPocket, users must log into TokenPocket, select add a new wallet and select RGB. They must then select “Create Wallet” from the available options. The mnemonic phrase backup function works similarly to creating a wallet on other networks.

TokenPocket and BiHelix are jointly launching the Galxe campaign, rewarding participants with 520,000 RNA tokens. 🎁

BiHelix is ​​a Bitcoin infrastructure running on its own blockchain, integrating the RGB protocol and the Lightning Network to optimize node performance.