📢📢Holograph, a blockchain tokenization platform, has recently suffered a major attack! 😱😱An internal investigation revealed that a disgruntled former contractor was behind the attack. 🕵️‍♂️

On June 13, hackers used the Holograph protocol to mint 1 billion native Holograph (HLG) tokens, worth up to $14.4 million. 💰💰The attack caused the value of the HGL token to drop by nearly 80% in just 9 hours. 😭😭

This incident once again reminds us that the security issues in the blockchain industry cannot be ignored. 🔒🔒But please rest assured that Bitcoin is still our optimistic choice. 💪💪

Please continue to pay attention to the global regulatory dynamics of blockchain, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news, and we will continue to report for you. 🔍🔍