Today is another day of panic in the market. The daily level once again comes to test the Vegas channel. Whether it can hold or not is not certain, or we hope that it can hold or not, or more directly, we look at the number of long and short chips on the table to choose the direction.

The AO momentum indicator in the figure is expected to reach the condition of crossing the zero axis within a week, which is also consistent with the time of Ethereum's ETF. Wait patiently! If the good news passes, it will drive the market up. If the bad news turns downward again, the market will continue to fluctuate for a long time!

The four-hour level downward trend line broke through two days ago, and then stepped back. Now it has come to the support above 60,000 again. Today is a sharp drop in the market. Brother Long thinks there is nothing to worry about. Maybe the dog dealer will use some data to pull it up tonight or tomorrow night. Looking at the four-hour diagram below, we might as well look at everything in a positive direction.

Brainwash yourself. The decline in these days may not be a decline, but just a back and forth fluctuation! Will it make you feel better? $BTC #非农就业数据即将公布