There are many considerations in the market at present, and we need to think calmly:

The United States holds hundreds of thousands of bitcoins and has begun to sell them. If the price rises to 65,000, it is expected to continue to sell, and tens of billions of funds are needed to take over.

Germany holds 50,000 bitcoins, and the situation is similar, and it also needs a lot of financial support.

The payers in Mentougou have been forced to get rich for many years, increasing the pressure of selling, and forming a market-smashing effect, which requires tens of billions of funds to take over.

Miners continue to smash the market. Faced with high mining machine costs, miners are expected to continue to sell.

ETFs and institutions such as BlackRock sell Bitcoin. BlackRock has started to deploy since 2022, with a cost of less than 25,000. Faced with a continuously falling market, it continues to sell.

In the face of the downward trend of the market, it is necessary to carefully consider the strategy of adding positions. The current market lacks strong buying, which is manifested in large-scale smashing and shrinking buying.

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