Odaily Planet Daily News Sui Foundation announced that its first global hackathon Sui Overflow ended on June 21, with a total of 352 projects submitted and 32 projects winning. The winning projects cover eight tracks: Consumer and Mobile Applications, DeFi, Games, Infrastructure and Tools, Advanced Move Functions, Multi-chain, Randomness, and zkLogin. The winners of each track are as follows: Consumer and Mobile Applications Track: First Prize is Pandora Finance, Second Prize is stream.gift, and Third Prize is AdToken. Wave Wallet DeFi Track: First Prize is Hop Aggregator, Second Prize is Aeon, Third Prize: Shio, Hakifi. Game Track: First Prize is AresRPG, Second Prize is Wagmi Kitchen, Third Prize is Infinite Seas, Shall We Move. Infrastructure and Tools Track: First Prize is Kraken, Second Prize is SuiGPT, Third Prize is BitsLab IDE, SuiPass. Advanced Move Function Track: First prize is Promise, second prize is Su Protocol, third prize is Sui Simulator, Sui Metadata. Multichain Track: First prize is Sui NTT, second prize is Wormhole Kit, third prize is SuiWalletBot, Multichain Meme Creator. Randomness Track: First prize is Sui dApp Starter, second prize is BioWallet, third prize is SuiAutochess, HexCapsule. zkLogin Track: First prize is PinataBot, second prize is LiquidLink, third prize is Webauth on Sui, Aalps Protocol.