Is faith really the only thing to talk about when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

What is the real reason for everyone to enter the crypto circle? It's all for speculation and making money, so where does faith come from? Just like in 2021, when the big cake was speculated, faith would definitely exceed 100,000, but it has been declining until now in the bear market, and many people even added positions at more than 60,000. Do we really have to rely on faith? Is the money in the exchange really just a number?

I told many people around me who play cryptocurrencies, do whatever you want to do now, don't wait, once time passes, there will be no such price.

Now what I think about most is how to store more coins. Sometimes, I fall asleep while thinking about it. When I wake up and look at the little male dog in the yard, I instantly ignite the fighting spirit of life.

There is a point that we can never break through, and this point is called class. Their starting point is our end point. Be sober, if you are a leek, don't dream of a sickle.

People, if you don't read, you won't suffer. If you read too many books and understand a little logic, you will see the darkness of the circle, and many times, you will suffer terribly.

For example, when I know the secret of making money in the cryptocurrency circle, when I put my knowledge into practice, every step I take is painful. People live to do painful things. If you do more painful things, you will not feel pain.

Facing the cryptocurrency circle, as long as we have a heart that is ready to die, as long as we are willing to be werewolves and desperate criminals, what else in the world can stump us. Inner strength is the real strength.

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Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you want to rush into the cryptocurrency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.