According to TechFlow, on July 3, Sygnum, a global digital asset banking group, and Fidelity International have reached a cooperation with Chainlink to transmit net asset value (NAV) data to the chain. As a milestone use case of tokenized assets, this cooperation will provide data transparency and accessibility for key asset data in the on-chain version of Sygnum's recently issued $6.9 billion Fidelity International Institutional Liquidity Fund.

With the help of Chainlink, NAV data can be automatically, securely and accurately transmitted to and synchronized on-chain, providing Sygnum, Sygnum's customers and other market participants with real-time transparency and built-in access to historical data. In addition, Chainlink also adopts a blockchain-agnostic approach to NAV data distribution, allowing data to be securely transmitted between any blockchain or off-chain system.

Sygnum is a global digital asset banking group founded by teams in Switzerland and Singapore. Sygnum invests in digital assets with full discretion from professional and institutional investors, banks, corporates and distributed ledger technology foundations.