Before I get busy, I wanted to briefly analyze #Lista . It is around #Bitcoin 60800 and there is no sign of recovery yet as of yesterday in the US market. Some friends had question marks in their minds as to why I attach so much importance to the Lista token, today you can understand why a little more clearly. While #BTC has fallen this much, #ListaCoin is already hovering around the levels it saw yesterday. If Bitcoin's decline deepens, of course Lista may also see lower levels. However, while other tokens are decreasing in parallel with the BTC decline, Lista has the chance to leave positive after a point because it is not yet hyped. In other words, there is no money in it yet, and the chance of a good inflow of money in Lista is higher than other tokens. In the picture, I wrote the prices it could fall at the lower levels. I hope that Bitcoin will start a positive rise and we will start to rise before seeing very low levels. I am hopeful about Lista.