The way to make friends: be calm and steady to win, and judge the situation!

When the wind is not favorable to you, tranquility is happiness, and stability is success. Especially in your heart, you must not be impetuous.

Attack more when the wind is favorable, and be cautious when the wind is against you.

Things in the world should be done slowly, and then they will be perfect.

Every ups and downs in the circle have their reasons. There is no need to be impatient. Give yourself a moment of tranquility, think carefully, and plan for the long term. This is a wise move.

Take a break, reflect calmly, and perhaps the difficulties will pass.

Judge the situation, these four words should always be kept in mind.

Things will be perfect if they are slow, people will be safe if they are slow, and words will be precious if they are slow.

Always remind yourself to make the situation clearer.

Those who are impatient will eventually achieve nothing, and only those who are calm and composed can gather a hundred blessings. Remember this principle and don't forget it in your heart. #以太坊ETF批准预期