ChainCatcher news, according to Ta Kung Pao, Zhang Xiaojing, director of the Institute of Finance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that Hong Kong can play a unique and important role as an international financial center, and suggested that Hong Kong should boldly innovate in the fields of financial technology and digital finance, and consider taking the lead in the field of encrypted assets. Zhang Xiaojing pointed out that the more stable Hong Kong's position as an international financial center is, the safer China's finance will be. This is very important. Once the US regulatory framework is released, the world may compete to imitate it. China should also explore this field, otherwise it may lose the initiative in the field of digital assets. It is necessary for Hong Kong to conduct important pilot projects in the field of digital assets and cryptocurrencies.

Zhang Xiaojing said that compared with the digital RMB and the central bank's digital currency bridge project, another track worth paying attention to is the encrypted assets and cryptocurrencies created by the private sector. Hong Kong's first batch of six virtual asset ETFs have been approved. Hong Kong has done a lot of work in the field of virtual assets, but there is still a big gap compared to the United States. To keep pace with the digital future world, it is necessary to open up the digital field and embrace digital assets.

Zhang Xiaojing particularly emphasized that in the field of digital assets and cryptocurrencies, Hong Kong must take the lead and strive for more initiative in the field of digital assets for China through bold innovation and experimentation, and defend this important position. Whether it is technology finance, digital finance, or future digital (tokenized) assets, these aspects will be Hong Kong's great advantages and special areas.