If you don't understand this question

Then you will definitely have a hard time in this bull market

What do you think: Will the rise in cryptocurrency continue?

Before we explore this question, we can start with the phenomenon, so that when you understand it, you may have the answer.

Looking at the recent trend, after Bitcoin failed to stand above the 70,000 mark in three rounds, the mainstream currency started a decline that lasted for nearly a month, and the long army was defeated during this period.

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At the same time, according to incomplete statistics from the head platforms, as of June 24, the long-short position ratio climbed to 3.38, which is the unprecedented peak of the short position ratio since the platform started statistics in 2019, but everyone looked back at the currency price, the maximum decline was only more than 10,000 points, and Bitcoin seemed to stand above 58,000. You know, in the extreme bear market decline in 21 years, the market's long and short positions did not even reach 3, but its maximum decline was nearly 80% at one point.

Are you looking at this round? After hitting the 70,000 mark, the price of the coin showed surprising resilience. The two rounds of declines once rebounded to above 6w, and even hit the 7w mark again in the last round of trends. This is enough to show that the current coin price has been generally recognized by the market, and the main market is optimistic about the potential of mainstream currencies in the later stage.

Seeing this, I believe you must have your own answer. Vision believes that the increase in cryptocurrency will continue, but it will change from being broad and extensive at the beginning to being few and refined. Those crypto speculators who expect to blossom everywhere may be disappointed, but those investors who are full of faith in crypto and have a unique vision will definitely reap the excitement from the next round of crypto bull market.

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