Odaily Planet Daily News PolkaWorld released a brief summary of the Polkadot official live broadcast on the X platform last night to discuss the treasury spending 87 million: - Web3 Foundation CEO Fabian Gompf (@FabianGompf) said: 1. There are different entities in the Polkadot ecosystem that deploy capital, mainly on-chain treasuries and foundations. 2. Foundation-funded projects may not be very eye-catching, while the treasury should fund more avant-garde and more attention-grabbing projects. 3. The treasury spends a lot of money on critical infrastructure, but in recent months, the on-chain treasury has indeed spent too much on low-return activities. -@seunlanlege: 1. Polkadot is a developer platform and should spend most of its funds on developer programs such as developer grants and hackathons. 2. Analogous to NVIDIA's approach, Polkadot should invest in developers and development tools rather than sports sponsorships or other marketing activities. 3. It is very important to provide funding for new ideas and experimental projects because it is difficult for external investors to support these teams without initial funding. 4. Compared with the current marketing promotion that is mainly aimed at retail users, we should target developers more. -@giottodf 1. It is not a good idea to directly fund developers because it is difficult to evaluate which projects will succeed. 2. Show the openness of the Polkadot ecosystem through marketing to attract venture capital to invest in developers instead of directly funding developers. 3. Emphasize that the funds in the treasury are constantly replenished through inflation, so there is no need to worry about running out of funds. 4. It is believed that a volatility effect should be created through marketing to attract venture capital to invest in the Polkadot project. -@pambamdam 1. Disagree with Giotto's point of view, because crypto venture capital prefers to invest in projects from zero to one rather than already public protocols. 2. Believe that Polkadot, as a protocol that has been running for 5 years, faces challenges in attracting venture capital because venture capital prefers early-stage investment. 3. Mentioned that Polkadot's treasury needs to make up for the gap in the ecosystem fund. 4. If there will be no new token sales or Jam tokens, it is recommended to attract important VCs through a treasury-funded token sale, selling to the most important VCs at a huge discount but with a long lock-up period to ensure their long-term participation.