After World War II, the world economic model has undergone significant changes. The main economic models include the American economic model, the Japanese economic model and the Soviet economic model. The following are the main features and differences of these three modes:

The core features of the American economic model: free market economy and private enterprise dominance.

Decision-making power: mainly in the hands of private companies, which can pursue profits and innovation more efficiently.

Capital market: The capital market is free and private companies can obtain financing quickly. For example, small companies like OpenAI have access to high amounts of capital in the financial markets at an early stage.

Government role: The government has relatively little intervention in the economy and mainly guides economic development through the formulation of policies and regulations.

Advantages: Efficient resource allocation and strong innovation capabilities promote technological progress and economic growth.

The core characteristics of the Soviet economic model: public ownership and planned economy.

Decision-making power: Economic activities are uniformly arranged and managed by the central government through the Planning Commission.

Resource allocation: The allocation of resources and production is determined by government plans, with limited role for market mechanisms.

Government role: The government plays a dominant role in the economy, and all important economic activities are directly controlled by the government.

Advantages: Ability to quickly mobilize and allocate resources during special periods (such as war).

Disadvantages: Inefficiency in peacetime, lack of innovation power and market vitality, ultimately leading to economic lag and social problems.

The core characteristics of the Japanese economic model: government guidance and cooperative market economy.

Decision-making power: Enterprises cooperate with the government, and the government guides economic development through policies and plans.

Industrial policy: The government formulates and implements industrial policies to support key industries and promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

Resource utilization: Due to high population density and resource shortage, the government has taken measures to ensure the effective utilization of resources and the coordinated development of industries.

Advantages: Rapid economic growth and industrial modernization have been achieved despite limited resources.

And we have adopted a system that combines market economy and planned economy. Many people do not understand that it is simply not feasible for our population and resources to follow the Western route. Not only do many of our bankrupt small countries follow the Western economic system, it does not work.