Just now during the live broadcast, I told everyone that those who haven't entered the short position can continue to enter the short position at 3460🤩🤩🤩

Have you entered?🤩🤩🤑If you enter, you will make money, right? We helped you make money during the live broadcast, didn't we?

Listening to the live broadcast, it has already fallen from 3460 to 3430, 30 points, right?👌👌Is it a pre-emptive move? Just say whether it is a pre-emptive move, it's over, the article was posted by a pre-emptive move, right?

If you have doubts, just during the live broadcast, we let you enter the short position at 3460, the highest pin was 3461, and the current price is 3430. In the ten minutes of the live broadcast, we helped you make 30 points of floating profit, right?👊👊

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛