Why did altcoins explode only in the middle and late stages of the bull market?

Because altcoin project owners are poor, they have to sell coins to pay salaries and expenses in the bear and bull markets.

In the middle and late stages of the bull market, big whales have made enough money in BTC, and hot money has started altcoin bubble season, reveling and harvesting. I don't believe there is no altcoin season this time!

There is little shipment by dumping the market, and pulling the market is the project owner's shipment routine. How to deal with it?

1. Before October 24, 50% BTC, 30% ETH/SOL/BNB, 20% popular altcoins.

2. At the end of October, BTC's third wave is over, 30% BTC, 40% ETH/SOL/BNB, 30% popular altcoins.

3. At the end of December, BTC's top range, 30% USDT arbitrage, 30% ETH/SOL/BNB, 40% popular altcoins.

4. At the end of March 25, the alt season is coming to an end, 90% USDT, 10% popular alt coins.

5. In April 25, clear the warehouse!

This is the way to seek stability. If you want to get high returns, you can alt coins with large positions, but you have to wait for BTC and ETH to reach new highs before the alt season begins!

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