10 characteristics of failed men

1. The first one: no one calls, no one sends messages, except for express delivery and advertising, the phone is silent.

2. The second one: two points a day, the company and home, life is uneventful and novel.

3. The third one: the circle is pitifully small, and almost no one knows anyone except colleagues.

4. The fourth one: the temper is getting worse and worse, but often can only sulk by himself.

5. The fifth one: no special interests and hobbies, life is monotonous and boring.

6. The sixth one: doing a mediocre job, no hope of promotion.

7. The seventh one: always sighing, full of confusion and fear about the future.

8. The eighth one: dare not try new things, afraid of failure and complacent.

9. The ninth one: more and more unkempt, sloppy image.

10. The tenth one: the heart is empty, can only rely on mobile phone to pass the time.

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