1. Risks of popular currencies:

    • In a bull market, the more popular the currency, the faster and more severely it may fall. Excessive hype often leads to bubbles, and once market sentiment reverses, the prices of these currencies will fall rapidly.

  2. Features of Potential Coin:

    • Coins with real potential (hundred-fold coins) are usually not hyped, and only a few people occasionally mention them in the early stages (with low traffic). These coins need to be discovered by investors themselves.

  3. Market capitalization and number of exchanges are misleading:

    • Market capitalization, number of exchanges listed, number of holders, investment institutions and other indicators cannot be used as a reliable basis for selecting a currency. These data can be easily manipulated or misleading.

  4. The law of market changes:

    • Market changes tend to be gentle curves; don't expect a straight rise or fall.

  5. Beware of excessive market watching:

    • Paying too much attention to the market will affect your mentality and lead to wrong decisions. Watch the market moderately and avoid emotional trading.

  6. The method of pulling up the altcoin:

    • The pull-up methods of altcoins are usually the same, and the pull-up time is longer. New coins usually soar first and then plummet, so they need to be treated with caution.

  7. Risks of chasing ups and downs:

    • There will always be people who buy and sell. The price will fall after you buy and rise after you sell. This is the normal state of the market and it is difficult to change.

  8. Profit and loss signals:

    • After buying, the price did not fall but rose instead. After making a profit of 5%-20%, it began to fall. It may be that the currency has entered the harvesting stage.

  9. The difference between rebound and potential coins:

    • The most violently rebounding coins are usually not potential coins. The rebound is mostly technical adjustment rather than fundamental drive.

  10. Rebound options:

  • In a bull market, when betting on a rebound, you should choose currencies that have seen larger gains and are currently hot.

  1. Independent Quote Opportunities:

  • Holding currencies that are contrary to the views of most people can often develop independent trends.

  1. Potential coins in the bull market:

  • Currencies that rise and fall with Bitcoin and have drastic fluctuations are usually potential coins in the bull market.

  1. Opportunities in the second half of the bull market:

  • Some potential coins performed mediocrely in the first half of the bull market, but may have a 20-fold increase in the second half.

  1. Potential coins after sideways trading:

  • In a bull market, currencies that can remain sideways for several months after a 10-fold increase are usually potential coins.

  1. Risks of Monster Coin:

  • Coins that increase by less than 10 times and remain sideways for several months may be monster coins and are at risk of falling 100 times.

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