In the official Telegram channel, the team answered questions from the community.

🚨 Important update!🚨

We have both bad and very good news for you: our team has decided to postpone the date of the event for exchanging shares for tokens. You may be wondering, what's good about this? Just FOOD? 🤔 Not really. The whole point is that you will actually benefit from it. Let's explain how:

There's been a lot of buzz around Tapswap lately 🐝, especially regarding its listing on tier 1 exchanges, massive drop, and more. And this is not surprising: the project has become one of the largest players in the world, entering the top 🌍. This attention attracts not only scammers, but also leaders of the web3 industry.

So not all rumors are just rumors. The Tapswap team is actually in active negotiations with tier 1 exchanges! 📈 And they are delighted with you - our community! Isn't this what we worked tirelessly on together?

However, this success comes with some “inconveniences”. This level of attention requires much more detailed work on tokenomics and the right launch strategy. And that means extra time. ⏳

But know that this is all to ensure that our Q3 launch is fair and, more importantly, profitable for all of you who support us no matter what. 💰

So, as you can see, there are plenty of reasons to be happy 😊 about this change. And very soon we will tell you even more important news about our future, the first level partnership and the drop itself! 🎉

We really appreciate your support. And we truly listen to your feedback, so be sure to share it in the comments on X. Together we will continue to reach higher and higher levels! 🚀

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