The next few months will be very exciting! The style of the current bull market is completely different from the past, showing a polarized trend. Let's take a look at the characteristics and investment strategies of this bull market.

Changes in the style of the bull market

Quick start, slow stamina: This bull market started very quickly, but the speed of the later rise was relatively slow. Preliminary judgment is that the market will experience a rapid rise in the first half, and will enter a slow rise in the second half.

Changes in capital structure: The capital structure of the market has undergone essential changes. The entry of formal capital has caused the market to rise rapidly in the early stage, and then entered a sideways consolidation stage.

Market phenomenon

Weak capital flow of altcoins: The capital flow of altcoins is obviously weak, the rotation of sectors is slow, and the sustainability of the rise is insufficient.

Retail investor preferences: Retail investors are not interested in some VC (venture capital) currencies, and prefer currencies with high circulation, low market value and high hot spots.

Conservative market atmosphere: The current market atmosphere is relatively conservative, and many people are in a wait-and-see state, indicating that the bull market has not yet reached a real FOMO (fear of missing out) emotional high point.

Investment strategy

Hold the currency boldly: The current market state shows that the bull market has not yet reached its peak. Investors can hold the currency boldly and wait patiently for the opportunity to rise.

Focus on hot currencies: Focus on currencies with high circulation, low market capitalization and high popularity, which are more likely to perform well in the current market environment.

Choose altcoins carefully: Due to the weak capital flow of altcoins and slow sector rotation, investors should choose altcoins carefully to avoid falling into the dilemma of insufficient investment sustainability.


The next few months will be a critical period for market performance. Although the style of the current bull market is different from the past, investors can seize market opportunities and welcome this wonderful market by holding the currency boldly, paying attention to hot currencies and carefully choosing altcoins.

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