What are the rich studying? Where is the way out for the poor?

In modern society, the rich are often busy studying various business and investment models and making investment decisions. They pay attention to national policies, platform rules, business models, product sales, profit models, customer positioning, promotion strategies, traffic mechanism fission, links, integration, investment, finance, equity, law, faith, morality, respect, altruism, eloquence, image value, time, place, people, heaven, law, Yijing, nature, military tactics, learning ability, insight, concentration, affinity, execution, etc., to ensure the success of their investment.

For the poor, there seem to be only a few ways out - working in factories, setting up stalls, delivering takeout, learning technology, driving, opening stores, sitting in offices, etc. Enter big companies such as DJI, BYD, Huawei, Midea, Foxconn, SF Express, and JD.com as employees; become deliverymen for Meituan and Ele.me; open fruit stalls, snack stalls, children's toy stalls, etc.; learn skills such as beauty and hairdressing, cooking, computer program development, etc., and make it a career; drive to become a taxi driver, bus driver, forklift driver, excavator driver, etc.; open shops such as fruit shops, milk tea shops, restaurants, etc.; sit in the office and engage in online sales, accounting, programmers, editors, operations and other professions.

However, can these ways out really help the poor get out of poverty? It seems not to be the case. Although the work is stable, the salary income is usually low, almost just enough to maintain life every year.

The poor only need to read more, learn more, accumulate knowledge and experience, constantly improve their ability level, constantly look for opportunities, improve their horizons, learn to think about problems, and become talents favored by the rich. Only then can they change from poor to rich. This is the only feasible way out.

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