The concept of the three-coin-in-one was voted on in April! After the vote was passed, it was supposed to be launched in May or June, but the market was not good, so the project party kept delaying it!

Xin Ge has also been paying attention to the three-coin-in-one since April. The ratio of their three coins to ASI is:

Starting with $FET as the alliance’s base token, the $FET token will be renamed $ASI and an additional 1.48 billion tokens will be minted, with 867 million $ASI allocated to $AGIX holders and 611 million $ASI allocated to $OCEAN token holders.

The total supply of ASI tokens will be 2.63 billion tokens.

Token holders will receive 0.433226 ASI per OCEAN and 0.43335 ASI per AGIX. This exchange rate is fixed and will not change.

The valuation they publicized in May was 7.5 billion US dollars. 7.5 billion US dollars ÷ 2.63 billion coins = 2.8! According to the publicity in May, ASI will be able to reach 2.8 after it goes online (the publicity and valuation are just for now)

This project has postponed the merger at least five times. Currently, Coinbase does not support your merger! Foreigners will not tolerate your bad habits! Those who are in CB can only refer to other exchanges to participate in the merger!

The above is the recent basic situation of the three-coin integration! Let me tell you what Xin Ge thinks!

First: At present, the attitudes of OKX and Binance in China towards the integration of three currencies are somewhat vague. You can look for the announcement of the integration of three currencies. Basically, it is not written in detail, and many things are just mentioned in passing! At first, it was exchanged into ASI, and now it has been changed to exchange into FET first, and then exchanged into ASI. This is why FET has such a large selling pressure in the past two days!

Second: After multiple exchanges, the circulation of tokens is unclear, which makes it easy for a large number of insider trading to occur, and the subsequent listing of new coins will also bring huge selling pressure! In addition, the timing of the FET snapshot, the pricing of the ASI in the later period, the market value, etc. are not very clear!

Third: In the cryptocurrency circle, you have to ambush hot spots in advance, rather than chasing them all the time. It would be so uncomfortable for you to chase them. We started to merge three currencies into one in April. At that time, the price difference was 12%, and we could easily make money!

The current wash-out selling pressure of the three-coin-in-one project is to give all the chips to retail investors and see how it goes online. According to the normal rhythm, the valuation given by the project party is about 2.8 US dollars. If it opens low, you can consider it. If it opens high and goes low after going online, don’t play it!!!

It all depends on how the project owners of FET, AGIX, and OCEAN want to operate.

As for the integration of three currencies into one, we can wait and see, we can miss it, but don’t be so blind as to expect three times, five times, or ten times the amount. That is impossible. Don’t daydream!

Fourth: Three coins are integrated into one. All three coins are old coins and have a fan base and a group of followers. These people will also be supporters of the ASI project in the later stage!

Fifth: The hype, split, hard fork, name change, etc. in the coin circle, the merger of three coins is indeed the first time! And it is a coin in the AI ​​sector. NVIDIA is so strong now, and the sector is also very good. If ASI has a pattern, it will also drive a good wave of popularity in the AI ​​sector! (Xin Ge boldly predicts here that if this wave of popularity goes out of the circle, there will be more coins in the track to merge later!)

Just look at how it opens! You can also compare the earliest opening modes of AGIX, OCEAN, and FET. We can take a look. The cryptocurrency circle is not about looking for a sword in a boat, but we can understand the project party's trading methods and get familiar with them to be prepared!