Continued from the previous article

What stage is the current market in, and where are the trading expectations?

Everyone has heard of 312.519, but it seems that this bull market does not have these, and the big cake does not have a one-time 30% correction.

The biggest difference in this round of bull market is the intervention of ETF funds.

I think the above should be a consensus. Looking at it in series, the reason why this round has not experienced a correction is the variable of ETF, and under what circumstances was the reason for the previous correction reached.

MVRV attempts to objectively explain the situation of BTC in a profitable state, and the price of BTC is determined by the pricing of matching transactions in the exchange. In the case of low liquidity, large transactions determine the price of Bitcoin.

Historically, long-term investors will sell when the profit of moving the cost of holding positions is between 3.2-5.3 times.

The reason here is difficult to promote, but the most direct point of such a sell-off is that the car that started the bull market is lighter.

The last round of 1.4w-6.3w

This round of 1.9-7.3w

Let me ask, from the beginning of the year to now, the stock of new leeks seems to have turned into money.

The selling cycle is about 97 days (average)

To sum up: the liquidity inflection point has arrived, the market sell-off has reached the end according to history, and there is an expectation of subsequent water release. If you think that water will be released and will not flow into the crypto market, there will be no bull market. Otherwise, the eve of dawn has arrived.

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